Shaare Zedek UK exists to raise funds for the Shaare Zedek Medical Centre in Jerusalem.
It is a special place, and since 1902 has combined compassionate care with advanced medicine.
Shaare Zedek is strictly non-political and does not discriminate on the grounds of religious, racial or financial means.
With close to 100 departments spanning 14 centres of medical excellence Shaare Zedek serves more than half a million patients annually. It is the fastest growing hospital in the region and continues to respond to the needs of Jerusalem’s uniquely diverse population.

The incredible work of our hospital extends beyond Israel to international disaster recovery operations,
It promotes collaboration between research institutions, including the prestigious Kings College, London and supports infrastructure in developing countries. One such initiative includes training Ethiopian doctors through a sponsorship programme developing Ethiopia’s much needed expertise in paediatric medicine.
In a city where 34% of the population are 14 years old or younger, over half of Jerusalem’s children live below the poverty line. Shaare Zedek was one of the first hospitals in Israel to recognise the need for specialist paediatric medical facilities. Our initial plans to expand our paediatric services were scaled up to accommodate the ever increasing number of patients and facilities needed. What started as a modest project to increase the number of beds in our children’s department has now grown to the impressive eight-storey Next Generation building, which is the largest development of the hospital in over 40 years.
As the medical needs of Jerusalem continue to grow, we are determined to ensure that Shaare Zedek is ready to meet these needs and continue to pioneer expertise in all areas.