Incredible things happen at Shaare Zedek on a daily basis and this story is a very special one. Recently a little girl who has been suffering with poor vision and the threat of loosing her sight completely, due to an infection has had her sight saved.

A cornea was transplanted from a fallen IDF soldier into the eye of a young girl, after his family made the brave decision to donate his organs after he fell in battle in Gaza.

The cornea of this brave soldier was brought to Shaare Zedek where it was surgically implanted in the young girl’s eye. The surgery and recovery were successful resulting in vision being restored to the child.

Shaare Zedek eye experts Dr. Liron Berkowitz and Dr. Elena Drabkin, together with the Eye Institute team, were responsible for the child’s care.

Dr. Berkowitz explains, “Y had undergone very significant treatment but was experiencing ongoing vision complications. After several procedures, it would be the eye of the fallen soldier that would eventually save this girl’s vision, and this was a truly emotional process to be a part of. We wish Y a continued full recovery and express our deep condolences, and gratitude, to this heroic soldier and his family.”