From the Trauma Unit to the Delivery Room.

Just nine months after he was seriously injured in battle in Khan Yunis Gilad Rachamim Aviad returned to Shaare Zedek for an altogether different and far happier reason- the birth of a son.

In the early weeks of the war Gilad was serving as a reservist in Gaza when he was struck by shrapnel from a rocket attack. The metal penetrated his chest, miraculously missing his heart by just millimeters.

He was evacuated by army helicopter to Shaare Zedek where he underwent surgery and an extended stay in hospital to recover.

“The day before my injury, my wife got a message to me via my commanders that she was pregnant. The news was incredibly exciting, but I never expected the very next day I would find myself seriously injured.”

“When we got to the hospital everyone made sure my wife was taking care of herself as well. The days that followed were challenging and I am still recovering. Throughout everything, what kept me going was the knowledge that she was expecting, and I needed to take care of myself. My wife, Miriam Rubin, my hero, was the one who stayed calm and gave me so much strength and support.

Coming back to the hospital has been so moving. Especially seeing the medical teams who cared for me during those difficult days. To be together now in our moment of incredible joy is a blessing. I am so grateful to the incredibly dedicated teams at Shaare Zedek, and bless them that we should only be together for happy occasions”

We wish the entire family a huge mazal tov and that they should only be blessed with good health and happiness.